Blog Posts
Map User Journeys with Arterial Flows
Crossfunctional CAI Design with Node-Red
Code Your Flow: Write the Logic, Render the Image
Take Your Retro to a Meta Level
Process-Graph Your Tasks
X-Ray Your Team with Graphviz
Digitize and Cluster Research with Xzerpt
Make Music Online in Realtime with a Jamulus Server
Power-Charge Your Node-Red Data with Grafana and InfluxDB
DIY Smarthome with ESP8266 and Node-Red
Plan the Work, Then Work the Plan
VoIP-- Retro Style
Clustering Ideas with IdeaStackr
Host Your Domain on Github with Jekyll
Run a Jupyter Notebook Server on Android
Create a Markdown Knowledge Base with TiddlyWiki
Run Linux on Android and SSH in
Purpose of the Junkyard